Our Environmental Learning Environment

When it comes to getting the most out of early years development and preschool education, it is fair to say that the more varied and diverse a child’s experiences can be, the better is sets them up to really succeed and flourish when they get to the more regimented structure of ‘real school’. Here at… Continue reading Our Environmental Learning Environment

How Do You Teach to Be School Ready?

Early childhood development can often be a very tricky thing to navigate. You child doesn’t start to get in to proper educational systems and structures until they start school, but what about the years before that when they are spending most of their time with you? Obviously, tiny babies are going to develop at their… Continue reading How Do You Teach to Be School Ready?

10 Tips for choosing Newcastle childcare

About Us Fairyland Preschool is a member of many initiatives, such as the Me4U Network group, which brings a great connection between local schools and early childhood education centres. All of our teachers are trained in the Pre-Lit program, which aims to develop reading and phonic awareness in Newcastle childcare. Outside of the centre you’ll… Continue reading 10 Tips for choosing Newcastle childcare

Your Child’s Development Through Our Eyes

For the educators at Fairyland Preschool it is a bittersweet experience every time a child is ready to leave our centre. On the one hand, we are filled with pride as they get ready to face their next adventure. However, we cannot help but feel a bit sad when children and families that we have… Continue reading Your Child’s Development Through Our Eyes

Finding The Best Newcastle Preschool

Finding a Newcastle preschool is important for helping to develop your child’s learning and preparing them for the next step in their education. At Fairyland Preschool, your child will be engaged in a variety of ways that aim to help them reach their milestones and enjoy time with other kids their age. Here’s what to… Continue reading Finding The Best Newcastle Preschool

Tips for the first day of preschool

It is one of the milestones in life that both parents and children look forward to with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. Even if you have found a Cameron Park preschool you’re happy with, saying goodbye to your precious little one on their first day is going to be difficult for both of you.… Continue reading Tips for the first day of preschool

Small or Large Daycare: Advantages and Disadvantages

When you choose a Newcastle pre-school for your precious little one, there are many considerations to ensure you are confident in your choice. The day care centre should provide you with the peace of mind that your child will be well looked after, stimulated and motivated as well as happy in a pleasant environment. With… Continue reading Small or Large Daycare: Advantages and Disadvantages

What You Should Be Looking for When Choosing Childcare

Most parents will agree that leaving their children for the first time is one of the most difficult things to do. Trusting someone else with your child is not easy and it can leave you feeling anxious throughout the day. The best way to avoid worrying about your children is to carefully research your childcare… Continue reading What You Should Be Looking for When Choosing Childcare

Reputation Truly Matters When Considering Your Childcare Options

Choosing a centre where you can your leave your child while you got to work is not an easy task. There are many things to consider, and it is not a decision to be taken lightly. In general terms, enrolling your child in preschool is one of the best ways to help them socialise and… Continue reading Reputation Truly Matters When Considering Your Childcare Options