Small or Large Daycare: Advantages and Disadvantages

When you choose a Newcastle pre-school for your precious little one, there are many considerations to ensure you are confident in your choice.

The day care centre should provide you with the peace of mind that your child will be well looked after, stimulated and motivated as well as happy in a pleasant environment.

With a large number of daycare options in Newcastle, Fairyland Preschool advises that one of the considerations of choosing a pre-school is the size of the facility.

Will your child be better off in a small or large centre?

Small daycare centre

There are some special benefits to a small Newcastle pre-school.

If your child is one that needs a bit more attention than average, they are more likely to receive it at a smaller facility. Staff to children ratio is generally superior in a small pre-school.

Additionally, smaller centres are often better set up to be able to cope with individual needs such as special dietary requirements.  

Every parent wants to be comfortable with who is taking care of their little ones in their absence.

Some parents might be more comfortable with a smaller facility as they are able to get to know the staff well.

Fewer children in the class can also mean that the care staff have more time to discuss individual children’s needs and progress.

For the shy child, an environment with a smaller number of classmates is less intimidating.

This can also help clingy children who are not entirely happy at being away from mom. Being in very close proximity to the adult care worker in a small facility can provide the security a child needs.

Large daycare centre

Obviously, one of the advantages of a larger pre-school is space.

This can mean more equipment for the children to play with.

There might be more in terms of amount and selection of play equipment because the centre has more storage capacity. There is less limit on play.

In a larger centre, an individual child may not get as much attention as they might want or need but among a bigger group, gregarious, outgoing children can positively thrive.

And, with more staff and bigger facilities, the range of options for education, interaction, and development of skills is greater.

You should definitely take the time to understand the staff/children ratio in a bigger centre because you need the security of knowing the staff are able to keep an eye on the whole class at all times, something much more easily achieved in a small group setting or with more carers allocated to your children’s class on site.

The size of the daycare centre you choose is obviously just one consideration of having a happy child away from home.

If you have any queries about child care availability or enrolments, please don’t hesitate to contact Fairyland Preschool.

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