Child Care Options

When you are a parent, choosing the right kind of childcare to suit both the preferences of your infant and your own lifestyle can be one of the most challenging tasks in the early years.

The topic is crowded with voices and opinions, from care in the home to preschools, all claiming to be the ideal and best solutions.

Therefore, to make the correct decision, you need to be aware of all of the options that are available to you as parents. Here are the mainstream Newcastle child care options to consider.


The pros of a nanny are the fact your child will receive undivided care and attention from a single, dedicated professional.

A nanny is also an extremely convenient form of child care as the care can take place inside the comfort of your own home.

The cons of this arrangement include a lack of interaction for your child with any other children their own age, which can lead to communication and social issues later in development and usually cost.

Child Minder

A child minder is again another option that is convenient given the location remains in your own home.

You will find that professional trained childcare minders, as opposed to a more traditional nanny, will be able to give your infant a much more regular structure and early learning environment.

Once again, however, you are faced with the potential negative of not having your child be opened up to the possibility of socialising and interacting with other infants.

Au Pair

An au pair can be a luxurious child care option for those who can afford it.

To have a dedicated child carer living in house means that your little one will be given the most intimate and close attention possible.

However, they do cost a lot of money, live in house, and many au pairs tend to be foreign workers, too, so consider if the language barrier might be a challenge.

Day Care

Arguably the best option when it comes to Newcastle child care is still the tried and tested, traditional preschool style day care, in readiness for their upcoming school years.

This kind of environment can really help your infant to come out of their shell in terms of socialisation with other children, and the public nature of the care being given means that there is much less of a potential risk for any wrongdoing on the part of the adult care giver.

If you have any queries about child care availability or enrolments, please don’t hesitate to contact Fairyland Preschool.


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